Buy native, buy local and help your favourite Canadian garden centres grow

Continued threats from the American president, his followers and a cowardly Republican party is forcing Canadians to take action any way they can to support Canadian businesses from tariffs and other American threats. That action includes a massive “buy Canadian” movement aimed at crippling the U.S. economy and sending our neighbours to the south a serious message. The following is a list of Canadian garden products, services and companies to support during these threatening times.

American threats to Canada: A growing concern

I have steered away from taking a political stand on this website, but the recent decisions of the American president, his followers and members of the Republican Party have forced me, as a Canadian, to take a stand and take steps to combat these threats from the United States.

I’m sure that the majority of American readers to this website will understand my stance and perhaps sympathize with Canadians who have done nothing to bring on this action from our neighbours.

As a result of Trump’s threats and insulting suggestions to annex Canada and turn it into the 51st state, Canadians have been banding together to “buy only Canadian” products.

Canadian Tire is a good starting point for many of your gardening needs from tools to plant material.

Although this website promotes a lot of American-based products to its American readers, this post is aimed at Canadian woodland gardeners looking to promote and buy Canadian Garden products and from Canadian distributors etc.

This is by no means a complete list (I will add to it as I become aware of more outlets etc.) but it is a good starting point for Canadians to make a strong statement and begin spending their money in this country.

Reader Heather Latto adds: I found many suggestions on a simple Google search: “Canadian owned garden centres in Ontario”. Here are a few:
Garden Centres Canada website: is a place to start looking for a local garden centre; may still require further enquiries as to whether or not the garden centre is Canadian owned.

Crawford’s Garden Centre, Milton, ON:

Northland Nursery, Millgrove, ON:

Buy native plants locally

To begin, whether you live in Canada, the United States, Great Britain …, it’s always important to buy local.

In the case of native plants, it is even more important to buy plants, shrubs, trees and seeds locally. So, always look for seeds, plants trees and shrubs that are not only sold through a local nursery, but grown as close to home as possible. This will help to ensure that the plants are adapted to your growing conditions from the lighting conditions and soil, to local temperature fluctuations.

Buying locally could mean purchasing from a favourite nursery that grows its own plants from locally sourced seed.

In my region in southern Ontario, I urge readers to consider a number of smaller growers including Ontario Native Plants, Connon’s Nursery in the Burlington Ontario area, Struyk Farms and Holland Park, Terra Garden Centres and Greenhouses also in the Hamilton-Toronto corridor.

In addition, field2home informs me that they are a Canadian on-line garden centre that ship trees, shrubs and perrennials to the Toronto and Niagara regions of Ontario.

A reader recommends Natural Themes native plant nursery in Frankford, Vesey’s Seeds, Burley Gardens in Ontario’s north, Richter’s Herbs, Terra Ebibles Heirloom Seeds to name just a few.

Lee Valley Tools is a great Canadian tradition

Toronto Star columnist extraordinaire Lorraine Sommerfeld reminded me that Lee Valley tools is a Canadian based company that carries high-end gardening products including tools, bird houses etc. They are also a mail order firm and will ship across Canada for those who are not close to a retail outlet.

In addition to being an outstanding Canadian company, they are incredible employers. Lee Valley President and COO Jason Tasse, talking tariffs’ impact on Canadian retail and manufacturing on CBC recently announced “We will forego profits for the next 1-2 yrs to ensure employees are stable."

If you have never checked out Lee Valley, be sure to visit a local store or check out their on-line store at Lee Valley.

A Western Canada reader says is great for rose selections, although these may be best for the beautiful climates in Canada’s West. Explorer roses are a popular choice for colder climates in Southern and Northern Ontario as well as the prairie provinces.

Don’t overlook Canadian Tire as an excellent source of garden tools, planters, trellises and other garden accoutrements including BBQ’s, garden chairs, fire pits etc. Last year, I also picked up several plants and trees from my local Canadian Tire outlet. Some Canadian Tire franchises also sell native plants as a fund raiser for Naturalist’s Society.

Rona is another large Canadian-based retailer to keep in mind. They have a large nursery attached to most of their stores.

Home Hardware is a Kitchener Ontario based chain of independently owned stores to also consider. Use this link for savings of up to 25 per cent on seasonal tools and other goods.

If you have other suggestions, please feel free to add them to the comments section here and I will try to include them asap.

For our American readers, please understand that although we Canadians can be a mild-mannered and kind group, there is only so far we can be pushed before we take action. That line was crossed by your president, his followers and your weak, cowardly Republican politicians who are refusing to stand up to this president, Elon Musk and others.

Canadians also know what many of you are having to deal with as this man systematically dismantles everything you believe in and have stood proud of in the past. If you support your neighbours, I urge you to take action. Write your politicians, protest -either through actions or by standing up and screaming from your rooftop.

Not only is this president attacking your allies, he is also attacking the environment by cutting environmental protections.

Action is needed.

Support local journalism

Canadian and Americans also need to support local journalism to provide a check on politicians trying to ramrod their views through without sufficient opposition from the public, opposing parties and unbiased journalism from companies like FOX and others.

Canadians need to beware of Canadian media owned by American companies. Post Media newspapers, including The National Post and most western-based media, are owned by Americans and are working hard to promote pro-American politicians both nationally and locally.

I spent almost all of my journalism career working within the Toronto Star network of newspapers. This media chain may not be perfect, but it is the best and least biased Canada has to offer at this time.

If you want to stay in touch with the latest news, consider subscribing to The Star, in paper form or via the web. American readers might like to hear the other side of the story written by some of the finest journalists Canada can offer.

Vic MacBournie

Vic MacBournie is a former journalist and author/owner of Ferns & Feathers. He writes about his woodland wildlife garden that he has created over the past 25 years and shares his photography with readers.

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